FAQ Installation


Find your eSIM in your email and under 'My eSIM' in your user account.

How to Purchase a Simbye eSIM

Register easily using Facebook, Google, or your email. If you prefer not to register, provide the correct email at the end to ensure the eSIM can be sent to you. Change the language or currency at the top of the page.

Enter your destination in the search bar or purchase regional or global eSIMs. Select the right eSIM package based on the required data amount (GB) and plan duration.

For a faster payment process, use the express checkout with your credit card. For more payment options, click 'Continue.'

If not registered, please provide your correct contact details to receive the eSIM. Enjoy your order!

Installation with QR-Code: Click

Manual Installation : Click

To install an eSIM, first ensure that your device is eSIM-compatible, then follow these instructions.

Access data can be found in your user account under “My eSIM details” or in Email


All our eSIM profiles come with predefined configuration. That is why there is no need to manually set APN. Once you arrived in the country with an already bought plan, Yesim will automatically register in a local network and start working right away. Please make sure that Data Roaming is turned on and Network Selection is automatic.

If you have any issues with mobile data, try firstly to reboot your device. It might sound silly but it helps the profile to re-register at a local network and in 80% cases solves the problem.

If it does not help, contact us. When sending your message, also make sure to include as many of the necessary details as possible:

  • Name of the country/region where you are now.
  • Settings - Mobile data/Cellular - switch both calls and data services to Yesim - send us the screenshot.
  • On this page under Cellular plans - tap on Secondary/Yesim plan - send us the screenshot.
  • Then go to Cellular/Mobile data network - send us the screenshot.

Sorry, unfortunately there is no such option at the moment. Each QR-code is associated with only one eSIM number/ID, so you can scan it only once on unique device. Due to the predefined settings, when you have used your mobile phone to scan the QR-code for the first time, the binding has been established, and other mobile phones cannot any longer use the QR-codes.

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