Simbye Cookie Policy

Effective Date: 01.04.2024

Welcome to Simbye! This Cookie Policy explains how Simbye ("we", "us", or "our") uses cookies and similar technologies when you visit our website or use our services.

Cookies are small pieces of data stored in your browser. These cookies do not store sensitive information and are merely there to enable this website to function. We do not use third-party tracking cookies.

We use cookies to collect information from visitors and registered customers of our websites to help us improve the services and websites we offer. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually change your browser settings to refuse cookies if you prefer. If you wish to disable cookies, find out which browser you are using and follow the instructions below in our "How to Refuse or Disable Cookies" section. Unfortunately, some of the interactive features and some functions of our websites may not be available to you if you refuse cookies. We advise regular users of our websites to accept cookies from us.

Different cookies are used to perform different functions. Below we describe our use of cookies. Please note that our advertisers or third-party websites to which we link may also use cookies, over which we have no control.

Our Use of Cookies

Essential Cookies

Some cookies are essential for us to provide you with the services you have requested. These cookies are used to manage the delivery of web services you have requested, and if you do not accept these cookies, you may not receive the services you have requested, e.g., pay for goods and services or access secure areas of our websites. These cookies do not collect information about you that could be used for marketing purposes or to remember your internet whereabouts.

Save Your Choices Cookies

We also use cookies to save your preferences that change the behavior or appearance of our websites, such as your chosen font sizes or layout, etc. These types of cookies can also be used to deliver a specific function you requested that is not central to the use of the website, such as streaming a video. Please note that if you delete these cookies, we will no longer be able to remember your preferences or remember your login details or provide you with the content you requested. When you make your selection for the first time, we may ask you if you would like us to remember your choices, and if you do, this constitutes consent to our use of cookies for these purposes. These cookies do not collect information about you that could be used for marketing purposes or to remember your internet whereabouts. If you no longer want us to remember your choices, please delete cookies on your computer. To find out how you can opt out of cookies, please read our "How to Refuse or Disable Cookies" section below.

Customization Cookies

We also use cookies to change the behavior or appearance of our website to personalize your experience from information we derive from your behavior on our websites or information we already know about you, e.g., because you are a registered customer. These cookies can be used to customize the content and appearance that will be provided to you in subsequent sessions on our websites. For example, if you personalize web pages or register for products or services, a cookie helps our webpage server to recall your specific information. When you visit our website the next time, the information you previously provided can be retrieved, so you can easily use the website features you selected. Even if you regularly use more than one device or computer, we can link cookies together so you still get a personalized online experience. We may also personalize the information you see based on what we already know about you, so you spend less time looking for things. Instead of a website for all website visitors, each visitor can have a website experience that is unique to them.

It is entirely up to you whether you want a tailored experience on our websites. To find out how you can opt out of cookies, please read our "How to Refuse or Disable Cookies" section below.

Analytics Cookies

We also use our own unique cookies and/or third-party cookies for analytics purposes to analyze the use of our websites and improve the performance of our websites. These cookies can be used to test different designs and ensure a consistent appearance is maintained for the users of our websites, track and deliver trend analysis on how our users interact with our websites, track errors, and track advertisements for advertising revenue. The data collected is typically aggregated to provide trends and usage patterns for business analysis, website/platform improvement, and performance metrics. This analysis may be performed by third parties but is only for the review and benefit of Everything Everywhere. The type of information we collect includes how many visitors come to our websites, how many customers sign up, when they visited, for how long, and which areas of our websites and services. This information enables us to continuously improve our services and develop them according to the tastes of our customers and visitors. Your use of our websites indicates that you agree to the use of these web analytics cookies. To find out how you can opt out of cookies, please read our "How to Refuse or Disable Cookies" section. Please note that you

may experience functional problems if you delete these cookies.

Advertising Cookies

We use various technologies, including cookies and web beacons (also known as "pixel tags"), to place advertisements when you visit our websites. These collect information about your visits to our websites and other websites within advertising networks we work with, which help us deliver our ads and third-party ads to you. As part of placing these ads, our own unique cookies and/or third-party cookies may be placed in your browser or recognized. Additionally, we use web beacons provided by our ad-serving partners to manage our online advertising. These web beacons enable our ad server to recognize a browser's cookie when a browser visits our site, and to learn which banner ads bring users to our websites. If you are a registered user, the information collected by our websites is not anonymous, and we may use this information along with other information we have stored about you, including your preferences, to tailor content, services, advertisements, and offers to you. The information we collect and share with third parties through cookies is anonymous: it does not contain your name, address, or other information likely to identify you.

It is entirely up to you whether you want to receive tailored advertising. To find out how you can opt out of cookies, please read our "How to Refuse or Disable Cookies" section. Please also read about third-party cookies.

When We Use Cookies

During the Registration Process

We assign cookies during the registration process for our services. These cookies store information collected during your registration and allow us to recognize you as a customer and provide you with the services you need. If your browser is set to refuse cookies, you cannot register for services. We may also use this data to better understand your interests online and personalize your visits to our websites.

In Various Areas of Our Portal

Our servers use two different types of cookies.

The first type is known as a "session-based" cookie and is assigned to your computer only for the duration of your visit to our website. It helps you move faster through the site, and if you are a registered customer, we can provide you with information relevant to your selected service. This cookie automatically expires when you close your browser.

The second type of cookie is known as a "persistent" cookie. These cookies remain on your computer for a period set for each cookie. These cookies enable us to:

limit how often you see a particular ad or announcement on our site;
Identify your preferences when customizing content for you;
Provide you with relevant self-help information;
Record how often you visit a page or ad;
limit and record how often you can vote in our surveys;
confirm that you are a registered user and save your login details when you access certain services on our websites; and
collect statistics on the use of our services.
We may also use cookies and web beacons to ensure that our mailing tools are functioning properly. Other companies that advertise their products or services on our websites also assign cookies to your computer, over which we have no control. The types of cookies they use and how they use the information generated by them are subject to the privacy policies of these companies. Below is a list of third parties with whom we have a business relationship. This list is not exhaustive and is updated by us from time to time.

How to Refuse or Opt-Out of Cookies

Most browsers are set by default to automatically accept cookies, but you can usually change your browser's settings to prevent automatic acceptance and prompt you each time a cookie is sent to your device or to allow you to receive no cookies at all. If you want to block cookies from your browser software, please check the browser's help menu for relevant instructions. Below are some instructions for some commonly used browsers. Make sure you select the correct type and version of your browser software:

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Select Tools from the main taskbar and then Internet Options.
Click on the Privacy tab.
Select the desired settings.
Click OK.

Click on the "Settings" icon (top right).
Click on Internet Options.
Click on Privacy and select your options.
Click Apply and then OK.


Select Tools from the main taskbar and then Options.
Click on the Privacy tab.
Select the desired settings.
Click OK.


Select Safari from the main taskbar and then the settings.
Click on the Privacy panel.
Select the desired settings.
Click X to close
Google Chrome

Click on the wrench icon and select Options from the list.
Click on the Under the Hood tab.
Click on Content settings in the Privacy section.
Select the desired settings.
Click X to close.
Mobile Devices


Select Settings from the home screen.
Select Safari.
Click on Accept Cookies.
Select your preferred settings.


Launch the browser application.
Click on the Menu button.
Select the More option and then Settings.
Enable or delete
Accept cookies.

Click on the right arrow on the home screen.
Scroll down to Settings.
Swipe through and select Internet Explorer.
Enable or delete Accept cookies.
Third-Party Cookies

Some of our ads on our websites are provided by other organizations. Our advertising partner will place ads that they believe are most likely to be of interest to you based on information about your visit to our websites and other websites within their advertising network (this information is anonymous because it does not include your name, address, email address, or phone number). To do this, our advertising partner may need to place a cookie on your computer.

Contact Us:
If you have any questions or concerns about our Cookie Policy, please contact us at [].

By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies as described in this Cookie Policy.

Last Updated: 01.04.2024